Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Bay to Breakers hearing confirms: San Franciscans will get naked and pee on your lawn

I constantly trawl the net for interesting items to chat about. Call me trivial if you like. Oh do.

But read this, and watch the video. it's been put together by a blogger called Melissa and she obviously had some fun with this footage.

"Constant Readers,

For me: drinking + running = hilarious, crippling disaster. So, I'm not a big B2B participant. However, folks in this town love the Bay to Breakers, which is why I tuned in to watch yesterday's public hearing on the subject.
Here is a short video I edited together because I was amused by the fact that the agenda might as well have read: (1) naked people, (2) peeing in public. We are, apparently, a city of mannerless, drunken douchebags. A fact that needs to be handled by discussing port-o-potties at length.... "

Bay 2 Breakers Mash-Up from Melissa Griffin on Vimeo.

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