Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The CFNM/CMNM Challenge-what's your fantasy?

Well a day after posting this question to the yahoo group this is the feedback. Anyone care to see these made into movies?


"I'm currently getting a bit of a thing for nurses. The kind that are always present at minor operations or accompanying the dentist. Usually youngish-early 20s, often good looking. They're the ones that carry out the docs orders- and make the lad in question strip. Not that a dental technician makes guys undress but hey there's always a first in that somewhere.Or maybe the cute girl is a student nurse who gets the patient naked and then plays with his cock in a highly irregular way and he shoots off just as the female doc re-enters the room...." pj

"Dominating a naked guy in front of a crowd when he is evidently highly embarrassed about his situation is something I really can't recommend highly enough. Once he has been disconnected from his wardrobe he starts to behave really very much less aggressively and frankly ladies this has to be the way things will have to go. Patriarchy is over rated and good discipline is underrated. Seeing the naked butlers in previous posts whet my appetite as do some of the pics of the stripped men trussed up for the girls enjoyment.That is exactly how it should be." sg

"I saw your blog and had to find out some more about this whole thing. The very idea of some minxes overpowering me is kinda well hot. I think I'd be into the whole forced sex scene. I'd be made to strip and fuck the ladies one by one while the others watched.I'll think about it a bit more though coz you got me going now." ben

"A naked male houseboy would do me fine. He would have to be prepared to act as my personal butler and look after my apartment, but also be prepared to wait on my friends (some of whom maybe male)too. The performing male would have to be of legal age but probably no more than about 25, well groomed and toned, obedient, open minded and able to take the orders of a strict mistress. Is this all just a fantasy or do such guys exist?" JB


"I think it maybe getting a guy sit himself on a vibrator for a watching audience. Or making him do it- even better." sam

"Naked sport: an Olympic ideal." kevin

"I kinda imagine being a dj and stripping off for a crowd and cumming all over the decks." privat

"Naked service has always appealed to me. Getting one guy to demonstrate his abilities naked for a group of guys- maybe a houseboy or something similar. Of course he'd have to have sex with all of us so it would turn into a bit of a gang bang." rp

"Current fantasy:

I joined this group having seen some interesting pics of a guy in a cage being wanked off in a nightclub. Forced nudity is high on my list of must do's but I've also got into the idea of naked running. Not streaking as such- but naked running. I believe there are guys that go running in public parks/old railway lines etc early in the mornings. That gives me a frisson of excitement. The idea of being caught, possibly by a group of thugs and made to do all kinds of unrepeatable things....horny!!! ba


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