Sunday, January 04, 2009

Okay so Christmas is over....

Okay there's no easy way to say this; I have grown outwards since I ate all the pies over Christmas. It's not a pretty sight I can tell you. I went away to my Pop's place and he just lives on stodge. Now I quite like stodge but my body doesn't and it got me kinda thinking.
"What the hell am I gonna do to get fit again?" It may be a bit rich using the word "again" but hey there was a time when I was quite defined.

And you know what? I wanna try out some wrestling. Only thing is I think i might be a bit queeny.
"No, no, no don't hurt me now, oh go on do, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ow that hurt !"

Pics here come from a Pride festival where some guys did mud wrestling naked. Enjoy and happy new year....


Unknown said...

LOL, naked mud wrestling is fun to watch but too much pain *grin*
Sex is good exercise so I suggest we start a club. meeting three time a week, all guys get naked and we screw our way to fitness LOL

performingmales said...

That sounds like a real hot idea Gaz. And imagine my friends faces when I tell them I lost 20 kilos coz I joined an orgy club. I'd have to say it with a straight face too, just to really wind them up.

Just think: all that cock in the name of good health ! OMG !!!

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