Photos videos and stories of young cute horny guys performing naked in events drawn from the world of art, news, entertainment and porn.
(Naked young guys on public view)
Email:performingmales at
This dude is just so fuckin cute. Great body, and completely naked in front of others and obviously loving it. For once I'd like to be a girl- that girl- with that cutie waving that hot dick around in front of me. Not that it would for long as my mouth would have enveloped it and kept it there till he jizzed....oh I love porno dreams !
Two years ago we wrote here about a testicular cancer charity set up by a mum who'd lost her son to testicular cancer and his loyal friends from the rugby club stripped off to help this very worthy cause. Well those hot lads are back with another calendar, and they are proving very popular. This of course is unsurprising. Rugby players are as fit as and these boys prove it. They're not muscle beefcake and they're not preening posers either, they just are a bunch of guys getting their clothes off on the pitch and having a laugh doing it. If you want some hot guys on yer wall next year and you want the money to go to something we can all benefit from then this calendar is a must buy.
These photos were posted to the Performingmales group today. I love these candid pics of guys wearing buttfuck all and wrestling in front of others like this....
I'm sure I must have mentioned this sort of stuff before; I kinda like it when I see these pics of guys naked on the train- or bus. There is that enclosed feeling where no one can escape. The naked guys and the passengers are all caught in this moment when the guys are discovered naked. It has real tension. I've just chanced on this crazy video on Youtube with two guys pretending to be naked and homeless. The passengers are looking away at anything other than the naked guys. I'd be staring, unable to take my eyes off them. I might even drop em a dime if I could suck them off. I love it.
I like involuntary erections I really just so do. And I particularly like them when they're visible on other guys. "Oh thankyou" I want to say, but unfortunately it rarely has anything to do with them looking my way.
There are loads of pics of cyclists and rowers with erections (I don't mean the fakes either) when they've won a contest and they're holding the cup. But what about the guy who gets an erection and is all embarrassed? Yeah that's real awesome too.
This Impulse ad came out some years back and I remember thinking it was hot then. I chanced on it today on Youtube, and the whole thing still has me getting sweaty, even though it's all suggestion. The though of sitting there naked in front of others is just kinda special, but getting an erection without wanting to because I set eyes on someone gorgeous is mindblowing.
...of being wistful for some open air nudity, what about some open air sex....these dudes are hot and can be seen from miles around which I kinda like :-)
I've seen pics of guys who can do this and I am kind of intrigued that a guy is flexible enough to get his dick in his mouth. I'm not sure I really want to spend time sucking myself off, but because I am not flexible enough or long enough, means that actually, because I can't- i would like to. Just to see what it's like...
Some guys get naked and perform for completely spiritual reasons.
Digambara monks live completely naked. This is because Digambaras believe that one can only lead the life of a true monk:-
by having no worldly possessions by demonstrating indifference to earthly emotions such as shame
The Skyclad Monks spend their entire life moving around in India, mainly in the small towns. They never wear clothes, they never take any transportation vehicle, and they only walk around naked from town to town. Their mission is to preach Jain religion to the public and to help the ones in need. They always carry a pinchi, a small broom and a kamandalu, a water pot. The broom is made out of peacock feathers and is used to wipe the ground wherever they will seat not to kill any small animals or insects that happen to be in the way.
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